Winter Carnival

Historically mushing was a mode of transportation or pulling cargo powered by dogs.    The name derives from the french word “marche” which means “to go”.  It has since become a sport worldwide which really began to become popular in the 1980’s.

There are several different positions for each dog to make up a team.  There are one or two lead dogs to lead the team. Directly behind them are swing dogs.  The swing dogs help the rest of the team around curves and turns on the trail.  Next in line the team dogs provide strength to the team who are followed by the wheel dogs in front of the sled who need to be able to stay calm and unstartled by the sled behind them.

The sport of mushing has become so popular that there is an annual carnival celebrating the sport.  People come from all over to participate in the races with their team of dogs.  Thousands of spectators come to enjoy the races while enjoying some outdoor activities with their families.  There is always a selection of hot foods and beverages to enjoy as well and don’t forget to come inside to warm up between races.  It’s a wonderful family event that has been enjoyed for years.

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